
Preserved is an app that is designed to reducing personal food waste.

The app allows individuals to eat and practice environmental food methods all while having an overview of their food expiration foods


This was a solo project where I acted as the Product Designer, UX Researcher and Product Owner


Surveys, Competitive Audit, Personas, User Stories, Wireframing, Prototyping and Usability tests.

Project Challenge

Living and eating sustainably is a crucial step in the mitigation of climate change with the United Nations in their Sustainable Development Goals highlighting food waste reduction as being vital.

Contribution to this goal and overall change can be made on the individual level.

If you would like more information on my process and workflow when designing Preserved don't be afraid to check out my Medium article that outlines this in more detail.

Furthermore, for readers who are visually impaired, please visit my recorded video where I go through project.

Watch VideoRead Article
Project Goal

“To provide a visual and user-centric platform that enables personal food waste reduction and sustainable food practices.”

Looking at the research already conducted on the impact of our unsustainable food system, the scale of the issue became evident on a globally, national and regional scale.

88 million tonnes
of food waste is generated annual across the European Union according to Eurostat.
of all food globally produced is wasted.

Competitive Audit


- Allows for recipes to be included in the app
- Integrated receipt screening ability to manage expirations date for newly bought groceries.
- Synced across platforms


- Multiplatform (Apple Watch and iPad along with iPhone)
- Weekly Meal Plan
- Monthly expiration trackerMeal Planner


- Barcode scan ability
- Expiration tracker based on the status of the food (cooked, unopened, cooled)
- Alerts
- Manage food inventories

User Research

On the back of the secondary research, quantitative research, in the form of surveys aimed at getting user feedback was constructed.


Ten participants of all age groups and geographical background were picked


While a diverse group an average could be defined; Weekly Grocery Shop per item (21-30), Level of concern for climate change on a ten-point scale (7)

User Flow

User Flow for the add food to pantry flow within the app

User Journey Map

Experience of a user adding a food item to their pantry through the the app


Having established a firm user background to work on, the next stage in the design process was to create a wireframe for the app.

Looking on to the final product, I was really keen to lay down the initial groundwork for the overall design. For this, I later developed a  high-fidelity design and interactive prototype that adhered to core UI styling principles.

UI Styles

Below is a overview of the core UI styles that governed the design process of Preserved (Grid layout, Colour Palette and Type)


High Fidelity Design Process

Progressing onto the design phase of the project I was really eager to emphasis the values and story behind the app.

For this a minimalist layout was utilised to reflect the functional layout of the app. Furthermore, the overall colour palette of the app purposefully echoed the environmental ethos of the project with it's heavy use of greens

Final Iteration

Final product of the Preserved home screen before going to the developers for construction


One deficit of the project was a lack of focus on the market's feature, such as not having a usable map to search and the ability to save markets to your account.

If/when later iterations of the app go into development, a more structured and uniform marketplace selection and search tab will be implemented.

However overall, I was pleased with the final product and would have been comfortable passing this on to the engineering team for development along with the Notion design documentation.

Website Font
Inter + Source Sans Pro
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